– David Vigneault, the former head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), has been appointed as the managing director of the global intelligence unit at Strider Technologies, a U.S.-based security firm, following his departure from CSIS in July after a seven-year tenure.
Under Vigneault’s leadership, CSIS faced scrutiny over its management of foreign interference in Canada. Upon his retirement, Vigneault acknowledged ongoing threats and expressed his intention to continue addressing them through new avenues.
Strider Technologies, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, specializes in providing software and services to shield companies from state-sponsored threats. Vigneault will focus on collaborating with both private and public sector entities and advancing research and development initiatives.
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During his time at CSIS, Vigneault led efforts to counteract alleged interference by China and other states in Canadian affairs, allegations which Beijing has consistently denied. An official inquiry in May confirmed foreign interference in Canada’s last two federal elections, though it found no impact on the results.
Vigneault also represented Canada in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, which includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Strider’s CEO, Greg Levesque, praised Vigneault’s extensive experience in global intelligence, emphasizing its value to Strider and its clients worldwide.
Strider has a history of enlisting former defense and military officials from the U.S., the UK, and Canada as advisers, including H.R. McMaster, a former national security adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump.